Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So, last night, my very considerate converted* sister emailed me to let me know that on Twilightsaga.com you could post questions to Stephenie Meyer until noon today... but for some reason I guess 1200 and Twilight equal midnight to me... not noon. I somehow assumed I had until MIDNIGHT, the turning of a new day, as my Deadline to ask questions about NEW MOON. Duh. I really need to wake up....

in a patch of ferns, in a wet forest, in the rain, after many hours... catatonic, in a fetal position

AAAAAhhh!!!! Can I really put myself through THAT again? I'm so ready, in hurts. (though not in some Wide Awake way!)

Counting down to New Moon:


http://www.thetwilightsaga.com/ I guess we can still log on to see her answers... Also, she will be on Oprah this Friday, apparently.

*Twilight Convert

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